MADCA begins Joint Initiatives with EEC to look at QRIS & CORI/SORI Record Checks

QRIS.  The EEC Board just completed an internal review of QRIS and is looking to work with providers to bring needed change.  MADCA will soon begin a series of meetings with the Department on this matter.  Our goal remains unchanged:  To move beyond six years of a failed QRIS system and create a streamlined and simplified QRIS that accurately and fairly measures quality.

CORI/SORI.  MADCA has asked the Department to join us in an effort to bring needed change to the current CORI/SORI regulations.  Given the early education workforce crisis, it is imperative that we end the current five-six month background record check timeline that providers confront.  We intend to seek amendments early in 2017 to current law in order to allow flexible processes that effectively and efficiently accomplish the background record check goals.